Autumn song.

If there was a theme to the weekend it was 'Bodyguard'. I arrived without mishap and this time knew where I was going, Hello Bastardi! Hello world! Collect pack, go for a wander, collect money for a couple of newspaper articles I sent in and meet some fellow Oathwrite journos. Then the big event of the evening, Senator Uberto's party to celebrate his election, many guests, much fizz, beer and bards! But I had taken on the role of bodyguard and general aid to Uberto. Long knife tucked in against my forearm. No one, myself included, really thought there was much danger of an assasination attempt or even an angry citizen/rival but it was fun to play out and added to the 'West wing' kinda feel. Saturday was hot and with a 100% chance of wasps. I forget people get really angsty about wasps because I just ignore them. I was kitted up and ready for battle relatively early and wearing my waffenrock because I didn't want to die in my shirt sleaves. I am from the leag...