First evah event.

It was a glorious sight to step off the train at Banbury in my open waffenrock, backpack and swordbag slung over one shoulder, and see so many folk with bundled up tents, sleeping bags, rolled cloaks and assorted staffs, bows and polearms. I don't think anyone got off the train who wasn't going to Anvil. But it was half an hour to the coach and the little cafe/shop seating area was soon taken over. Everyone asking questions, ohh is it your first time? Where are you from? Where did you get that axe? The coach dropped us at the campsite entrance and our little cabal split up. I showed my ticket and was waved towards some tents beyond a wood. The tip of the canvas iceberg. I had to find God (Game operations desk, actually about ten desks in a big tent) to collect my character pack and then the League camp to find a space for my mini shelter. That was as far as my plans went beyond catching the 'Guide for newbies' talk that was on a couple of times that afterno...